This page is dedicated to information regarding the ongoing search for the new Minister of Music. The application process has been officially closed, please call the church office or read the latest update if you have questions or concerns

Updates Panel

  • Minister of Music Search Team Update 11/15/2024

    Welcome all to the webpage dedicated to the ongoing search for the new Minister of Music for Village.

    Going forward, this will be the place to come for easy access to updates from the Search Team.

    The Team has been busy in the previous weeks. The first big task for the Team was to finalize the

    Congregational Questionnaire. The Questionnaire was sent out, and the results have been sent back,

    poured over, and prayed over by the Team, with the primary purpose being to put together a Position

    Profile for the Minister of Music. The Position Profile is a document intended to serve as a roadmap for

    the Search Team going forward. To the greatest extent possible, the Profile captures a consensus of the

    desires, concerns and standards by which you, the Congregation, want your next Minister of Music to be


    The Position Profile for the Minister of Music can be viewed by clicking the link on this page.

    That’s it for now, but there will be more to come in the near future…

    As always, we covet your prayers. Please make a point to pray for the overall process, for the Team, for

    Village, for the future candidate, and possibly, for that candidate’s current church.


    The Search Team

  • Minister of Music Search Team Update 11/24/2024

    The Search Committee is pleased to announce that the position opening for the new Minister of Music at Village Parkway Baptist Church has been finalized and posted. This milestone comes after months of effort by both the committee and the congregation. The position will remain open through the end of the year. The position can be found, in no particular order, on the respective job boards of the following websites:

    If a potential candidate is known, the Search Committee would appreciate them being made aware of the open position. The process for Inviting Referrals can be viewed by clicking the link on this page. As always, we covet your prayers. Please make a point to pray for the overall process, for the Team, for Village, for the future candidate, and possibly, for that candidate’s current church.

    Thanks, The Search Team

  • Minister of Music Search Team Update 01/18/2025

    The Search Committee is pleased to announce that the search for the new Minister of Music at Village

    Parkway Baptist Church has moved on to the next phase. The application window of the process is now

    closed, and the Search Committee is working diligently as they are now transitioning to the review


    Thanks be to God! The application phase yielded many candidates for this unique position at VPBC. The

    Search Committee is now prayerfully and diligently reviewing all of those that submitted to the search.

    As always, we covet your prayers. Please make a point to pray for the overall process, for the Team, for

    Village, for the future candidate, and additionally for that candidate’s current church.


    The Search Team